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The John Clifton Essay Prize

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Online Lecture 2024

Milestones in CT: Past, Present, and Future

Cynthia McCollough

7pm (GMT) on Friday 14th November

by Zoom ... details below










In 1971, the first patient CT exam by Ambrose and Hounsfield paved the way for not only volumetric imaging of the brain but of the entire body. From the initial 5-minute scan for a 180-degree rotation to today’s 0.24 second scan for a 360-degree rotation, CT technology continues to reinvent itself. This presentation will describe key historical milestones in CT technology from the earliest days of CT to the present, with a look toward the future of this essential imaging modality. After a review of the beginnings of CT and its early adoption, the technical steps taken to decrease scan times – both per image and per exam – will be reviewed. Novel geometries such as electron beam CT and dual-source CT have also been developed in the quest for ever faster scans and better in-plane temporal resolution. The focus of the past two decades on radiation dose optimization and management led to changes in how exposure parameters such as tube current and tube potential are prescribed such that today, exams are more customized to the specific patient and diagnostic task than ever before. In the mid-2000s, CT expanded its reach from greyscale to color with the clinical introduction of dual-energy CT. Today’s most recent technical innovation – photon counting CT – offers greater capabilities in multi-energy CT as well spatial resolution as good as 125 microns. Finally, artificial intelligence is poised to impact both the creation and processing of CT images, as well as automating many tasks to provide greater accuracy and reproducibility in quantitative applications.


 A recognized leader in the development and evaluation of new CT technology and dose reduction methods, Cynthia H. McCollough, PhD, is the Brooks-Hollern Professor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where she holds the rank of professor in both medical physics and biomedical engineering. Dr. McCollough is a fellow of the American College of Radiology, the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. She has over 500 peer-reviewed papers and multiple NIH grants related to CT imaging. She has served as the president of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine and is a vice-president of the International Society of Computed Tomography. She received her master's and doctorate degrees in medical physics at the University of Wisconsin, Madison after graduating in physics from Hope College in Holland, Michigan. The first whole-body, high-flux photon counting CT (PCCT) was installed in her lab in 2014 and she has played a key role in the development of PCCT since then. She has a particular interest in the history of CT imaging.

Non-members of BSHR are welcome to join the event. Please register your interest by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and you will be sent the Zoom link by email closer to the time.  You are advised to register early as limited tickets are available on a first-come first-served. 







About the prize

The British Society for the History of Radiology is pleased to invite entries for the John Clifton Essay Prize, an initiative to promote research and insight into the history of radiological sciences (including medical imaging, radiotherapy & nuclear medicine).

We are keen to receive essays that explore all aspects of radiology history including scientific discovery and technological development; biographical accounts; societal impact and cultural dimensions. Essays which explore less well-known events / figures, or which demonstrate the relevance of historical events to current and future practice are encouraged. Topics may include diagnostic imaging, interventional techniques, radiotherapy and may seek to highlight the work of radiologists, radiographers, physicists and engineers, or may explore imaging and therapeutic techniques from the patient’s perspective. Whilst entries are open to all, we particularly welcome participation from healthcare professionals in training and from undergraduates. Essays should be based on accurate historical research, but personal insights, reflections and perspectives can be included.

The prize is named in honour of Professor John Clifton, renowned medical physicist and member of BSHR, who sadly died in 2023.

Competition details

Closing date: Friday 25 October 2024( Note that the closing date has been extended)

Word limit: 5000

Essays should be submitted in Word.

Essays should be fully referenced.

If images are included, it should be possible to determine the copyright status to facilitate potential publication. Entries must not have been previously published elsewhere.

Entries will be judged by members of the BSHR Council and should be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


First prize of £250 (and publication in Invisible Light / BSHR website) Additional prizes may be awarded at the judges’ discretion. Winners will also receive a year’s membership of BSHR.

All entries will be considered for publication in Invisible Light, the Society’s journal, and on the BSHR website. Winners will be announced at the BSHR Online lecture, 8th November 2024. 





 See Arpan Banerjee' article about Roentgen published in radmagazine in November 2023 to celebrate the
world day of radiology. Check here.


Annual Lecture 2024

Signs and Symbols: Heraldry from Roentgen to The Present Day

Stephen Keevil

Watch the lecture video


OnLine Lecture 2023 

The Mummy Returns 

Dr Ash Chakraborty

Watch the Lecture video







PAUL LANGEVIN (1872-1946)


23 January 2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Paul Langevin, the eminent French physicist who is the father of pulse-echo ultrasound. During 1917, working with the French and British Navies, he designed the first piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers using X-cut quartz. These were operated in pulse-echo mode to detect submarines. Subsequent developments in ultrasound, including its diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical uses, all derive from Langevin’s pioneering work during WWI. Several publications and events are being planned during 2022 to mark his anniversary.

(Image credit Adrian Thomas)





 This 30-minute video describes the medical career of Arthur Schüller as well as the lives of his family members.

Schüller was born in 1874 and the  arc of his life mirrored the rise and decline of Austria from 1870 till 1955. The Schüller family origins lie in Bucovice and Brunn but his early medical career was spent in Berlin and at the AKH in Vienna.

In 1906 he married Margarete Stiassni, daughter of a wealthy Brunn industrialist. In spite of severe financial constraints on the Medical School after World War I , Arthur was closely involved in the successful graduate courses for foreign doctors who came to  learn from those who had been leading figures in establishing Vienna’s pre-eminent international position in medical science. By the 1930’s Schüller was well known internationally and he travelled to conferences world wide. .

As a Jew  he was expelled from the University in 1938. His search for a home elsewhere involved fellow scholars in the USA, UK and Australia . After a  spell in Oxford  he settled in Australia with eventually at post at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne.

The Schüllers’ two sons had died in Nazi camps  and this appears to  have provoked  Arthur's later decline into withdrawal and depression. He and Margarete lived  in Heidelberg, a suburb of Melbourne, until his death in 1957.

His contribution to medical science - pioneering three surgical procedures and identifying three neurological diseases –  led to him being seen as the father of the discipline of neuro-radiology. His two seminal books established this field.

The link to the video is https://youtu.be/YhRLobn-Ubw



This area Celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first clinical CT scan of a Patient on 1st October 1971.

It is difficult for anyone today to realise what imaging and diagnosis was like 50 years ago.

In the 1960s imaging was largely x-ray film based and diagnosis depended largely upon the skill and interpretation of the radiologist. Relatively little had changed since the original discovery of X-rays by Roentgen in 1895, until the early 1970s.

The first clinical CT scan of a patient was taken on 1 October 1971 at Atkinson Morley Hospital, in Wimbledon, South London. The first patient image scan 200.2A showed a circular cystic tumour in the frontal lobe. The surgeon who subsequently operated on this patient reported that the tumour was exactly where it was shown on the first scan.

Little did anyone realise at the time just how much of an impact the invention of CT scanning would have on the Medical Imaging world and on all of Medicine and Surgery.


Liz Beckmann

Chair BSHR




CT History 1967-1973

The 1968 Proposal

Godfrey Hounsfield

Godfrey Hounsfield on the early years

CT Technology

Patients and Medical

Reconstruction and Planar

Jamie Ambrose - the Unsung Hero of CT




Copy of the 1968 Proposal

CT Timeline

Who do we credit?





Geoff Meggitt

The origins of x-rays and radioactivity are linked: Roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895 and Becquerel stumbled upon radioactivity the following year while investigating Rontgen’s discovery. In different ways they would transform diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. However both of them brought a risk that would remain an enigma for the best part of a century (at least). That of radiation.

Roentgen revealed his discovery in the very last days of 1895 and within a few weeks radiographs had been taken around the world. Within a year there were 50 books and pamphlets on x-rays and nearly 1000 papers were published, tubes had been improved by the addition of anodes, the fluoroscope had been invented and widely used and General Electric had produced a catalogue of ready-made x-ray equipment. Soon enough, hospitals around the world were setting up departments for both diagnostic and therapeutic use of the new technology.

In the first year there were already hints of future problems. Several workers experienced effects that looked like sunburn with loss of skin and hair from affected regions. At first people blamed the high voltage power supplies and the ozone they created, the processing chemicals and almost anything but the magical rays themselves. However by September 1896 the great Lord Lister, could speak of the “aggravated sunburn” and speculate that “ a transmission of the rays through the human body may be not altogether a matter of indifference to internal organs…”

Within just a few years it became clear that prolonged exposure to the rays could have devastating consequences: sunburn turned into painful sores and warts, necrosis and a variety of cancers. The pain was “as if bones were being gnawed away by rats” someone said. Fingers were amputated, then arms. Pioneers began to die.

The warnings were heeded by some who shielded the tubes with lead and abandoned the common practice of putting their hands between the tube and a fluoroscope to check that things were working properly. By about 1910 it was fairly widely recognised that there was a problem that had to be addressed but another decade passed before there was real consensus and general action. The early protection measures were very practical: shield the tube, wear protective equipment, limit exposure by making adjustments from a protected place, limit working hours and encourage staff to spend time outdoors when they could.

A principle emerged: the deadly effects were a direct result of the traumatic tissue damage so if there was no tissue damage there would be no deadly effects. It was therefore thought that, if the dose was well below one which would result in erythema, there would be no long- term effects. This was the “tolerance dose”. In the mid-1920s a popular suggestion for a tolerance dose was about 10% of an erythema dose a year. When expressed in roentgens (r)in the early 1930s, this became 0.2 r per day and fairly quickly this was reduced to 0.1r per day. This value was the one widely used right up to the end of the 1940s.

However by then questions had begun to be asked about the principle itself based on some discoveries in genetics.

Gregor Mendel had established the theoretical existence of the genes in the 1860s with his famous experiments with peas (although the work was forgotten until the beginning of the 20th century). He had no idea where the genes were. However by the time science had rediscovered his work it was fairly clear that the nucleus of the cell played a key role in inheritance. By 1903 it was plausible that Mendel’s genes were located on the chromosomes and by 1916 that was a widely-shared view. This was largely due to the work of TH Morgan and his proteges at Columbia University in New York with the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. This minute creature with its modest maintenance requirements and rapid and productive sexual cycle meant that experiments like Mendel’s could be repeated in fraction of the time in a room of fly-filled phials loaded with bananas to sustain the creature. Morgan and his men tracked natural mutations ( first was a white variant of the normal red eye) and, in a long and clever series of experiments, they were able to map the mutated genes responsible onto the fly’s chromosomes the genes became real.

Hermann Muller, one of Morgan’s students, had a particular interest in how the natural mutations arose and developed an elegant technique to measure the rate at which they occurred. His first results showed a temperature dependence so, knowing that chromosomes were visibly damaged by radiation, he set about seeing how the mutation rate was affected by it. He didn’t have to wait long to find an answer: one of his first experiments in 1926 showed that an x-ray radiation dose of 1000r of x-rays to a fly’’s sperm increased the mutation rate 1000-fold.

The artificial mutations behaved just like the natural ones and, disturbingly, their creation rate increased linearly with radiation dose – without any threshold. Muller was a life-long eugenicist (although by most standards a fairly gentle one) and quickly realised the possible implications of this for the human gene pool. He spent the rest of his turbulent life campaigning for recognition of the threat.

The 1940s brought a new and awesome radiological threat with the development of the atom bomb and the terrible carnage it wrought in Japan. People soon realised that, while this had been far away, bombs were being exploded in America itself – as well as the South Pacific and Australia – in atomic tests aimed at creating even more powerful and terrifying weapons. These tests produced fallout (by now everyone knew about fallout) which swept around the world and this inevitably led to radiation exposure and this led, there being no threshold, to damage to the human gene pool.

The threat to mankind’s genes seemed ever greater. Scientists had models to enable them to make assessment of doses to the gonads and this for a while became the dominant parameter in radiation protection – largely because it was agreed that there was no threshold. Public concern about the long-term genetic effects of atomic tests was a reason why they were banned – although, more cynically, there was a sense in which the developers had gathered all the data they needed.

The threshold principle for somatic effects (those that occurred in the exposed individual) held sway through most of the 1940s but it began to be questioned – largely because it was so at variance with the established no-threshold nature of the genetic ones. So it was one of the issues in people’s minds when the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission was set up in 1947 to study the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Two results of the early studies rather surprised workers: no genuine genetic effects could be found (they never were) but there was a dramatic increase in leukaemia cases and the incidence of these increased the closer you got to ground zero.

The leukaemia occurrence continued to grow but peaked in the early 1950s and then slowly declined reaching background levels in Nagasaki in about 1980.The story with solid cancers was rather different and more alarming. They were slower to appear but the incidence then stayed at a high level for much longer.

The implications of the data could not be fully realised until there were reliable estimates of the doses received by the survivors. The first of these came in 1965 and these were revised in 1986 and then again, but only slightly, in 2004.

The relationship between cancer effects and doses implied by the Japanese casualty data was regularly reviewed by the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). While risk estimates were modified somewhat over the years there has never been any generally-accepted evidence to support a dose threshold for cancer induction – aligning the somatic and genetic effects. In its milestone report of 1977 (ICRP 26), when the International Commission on Radiological Protection first took full account of the available Japanese data, they opted for a no-threshold proportional relationship for both. By then it was pretty clear that the genetic effects were not the dominant effects in most circumstances, it was cancers that were.

ICRP 26 generated a protection scheme based on avoiding radiation exposures altogether unless there was a clear benefit from the activity and then optimising the exposure by increasing the protection until the cost of increasing it further was disproportionate to the dose savings. This was the As Low as Reasonably Achievable principle.

There were many technical follow-ups to the document that clarified, for example, how the risks from exposure of particular organs could be taken into account (something that was important for internal dosimetry). Applications in many fields – including medicine – have been considered in detail in ICRP reports. These reflect changes in technologies such as dosimetry techniques and new data on risks. However, the core precautionary principles have hardly changed over the subsequent four decades.

18 July 2021


This article first appeared in the Royal College of Radiologists Newsletter.


Geoff is Honorary Secretary and a Trustee of the British Society for the History of Radiology. Most of his career was spent with the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and its descendants working on radiological protection. He was editor of the Journal of Radiological Protection for five years in the 1990s. Since retirement he has written two books on radiological themes: Taming the Rays (a history of radiological protection) and Genes, Flies, Bombs and a Better Life (a biography of Hermann Muller).



These items have been transferred from the Home page and elsewhere and are available through the search function. Some are referenced on other pages.

Links in the archive section are not regularly checked.


Archived 10 October 2022

11th Symposium of the International Society for the History of Radiology


Prof. Dr. Andrzej Urbanik, Head of the Chair and Department of Radiology Medical College of the Jagiellonian University, Past President of the Polish Medical Society of Radiology, invites the members of ISHRAD and of course all of you interested in the history of radiology, to participate in the 11th Symposium of ISHRAD.

This event takes place in Krakow, Poland from Friday 7 to Saturday 8 October 2022.



Archived 22 December 2021 

Report on the British Society for the History of Radiology Annual lecture 2021 

The video of the complete lecture is now available on Youtube. Click here to watch.


By Dr Arpan K Banerjee Past Chair and current trustee BSHR

Due to the current Covid pandemic this year’s annual lecture was delivered as a virtual event on Monday 8 Feb 2021. Dr Uwe Busch a distinguished radiology historian , author and the current director of the Rontgen Museum in Remscheid – Lennep , Germany delivered a talk entitled ‘New results on biographical research on W C Rontgen’ .

The first half of the talk was devoted to the Rontgen family tree and we learnt about his ancestors who were successful cloth merchants. Lennep was a small town whose history goes back to the 12 th century and many were farmers in this Bergishland region and then worked in the cloth trade before industrialisation occurred. We were given a detailed review of Rontgen’s lineage. Rontgen was born in the house bought by his grandfather which today has been preserved for posterity.

In the second half of the talk research from Rontgen’s estate and collections in the Rontgen museum were presented. Rontgen left behind over 1800 letters and documents as well as around 2000 glass plates. Of particular interest was his first paper on X-Rays and the people he sent this paper to which included the great and the good of the physicists of his era. In the UK, Arthur Schuster from Manchester and Lord Rayleigh and J J Thompson ( discoverer of the electron ) at Cambridge and Lord Kelvin in Glasgow were all on his list of recipients.

This section of the talk also covered his marriage to Bertha and included illustrations from Rontgen’s extensive photograph collection. Photography was a major hobby of Rontgen’s and the pictures of old Wurzburg which were shown to the audience were a wonderful evocation of what the place was like in his era.

The lecture was well received by the virtual on line audience and Dr Busch was thanked for his wonderful, scholarly informative presentation.



Archived 3 August 2021

BBC World Service Forum  3 June 2021 -- X-rays: New ways of seeing


The discovery of X-rays by the German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895 was nothing short of ground-breaking, opening up a new era in medicine. For the first time, doctors could see inside the human body without the need for surgery, and diagnose many more living patients.

X-rays had major implications for physics as well, allowing scientists to study the structure and arrangement of molecules. Within wider society, they inspired artists to explore what these new rays could tell us about the representation of reality. It wasn’t long before X-rays were being used to scan baggage, in airport security and even in shoe shops to measure feet before exposure to radiation was properly understood. Huge strides in X-ray technology have given us the type of modern scans that are used today to detect conditions such as cancer.

Joining Bridget Kendall are Drs Adrian Thomas and Arpan Banerjee, both radiologists who’ve collaborated on publications about the history of X-rays, and artist Susan Aldworth who’s used brain scans in her work to investigate the nature of identity.

Listen to the recording at https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct1rl6





The British Society for the History of Medicine Biennial Congress -- archived 31/5/21

Diamond Building – The University of Sheffield

Wednesday 15th - Saturday 18th September 2021

Key themes

History of Medicine in the Workplace

History of Pandemics

History of Nursing

Innovation in Medical Engineering

Abstract submissions on these themes and General Topics are welcome. The closing date for receipt of abstracts is the 31st May 2021. If research has been delayed owing to restricted access to libraries, archives or other resources, this may be stated in abstract submissions where relevant.

For Congress information and booklet, registration, abstract submission and accommodation please go to https://bshm.org.uk/congress-2021/


WEBINAR THURSDAY 2 JULY 2020  -- archived 26/5/21

Presentations selected from the submitted abstracts on the history of imaging(click title for slides):

History and evolution of Artificial Intelligence - Elizabeth Beckmann, Chair, BSHR and Director, Lanmark

Early chest radiology pioneers and the beginnings of chest radiology - Dr Arpan K Banerjee, Retired Consultant Radiologist

Miss Marion Frank (1920 - 2011) "I have never been a good radiographer, but I knew how to get out of trouble" - Dr Adrian Thomas, Consulting Radiologist, Canterbury Christ Church University

Kathleen Clara Clark (1896-1968) and the need for standardisation - Dr Adrian Thomas, Consulting Radiologist, Canterbury Christ Church University


RECENT INTEREST archived 26/5/21

Report of the 8th meeting of the International Society of the History of Radiology (ISHRAD) in Brussels 28 Sep 2019

“Reflections on the International Day of Radiology” – a paper by Arpan Banerjee on the Oxford Medicine website

Review of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen: The Birth of Radiology, Rosenbusch, de Knecht-van Eekelen

Francis Duck. Scope 29(2) Summer 2020. 32–35  ‘The Radium Boss - The life and times of Sidney Russ.’

Edwin Aird. Scope 29(3) Autumn 2020. 22-25. The Gray Laboratory Pt.I.

Past issues of SCOPE have featured several other articles of interest. These issues may be browsed free through this link